Throttle-Up® Episode: Apr. 23 & 24, 2022

Think Like a Fighter Pilot – Part III: Take charge of your thinking and think vertically. This will create a mind-space that defines who you are. Perhaps you will say “I am no longer a flat-lander. I have learned to soar through the heavens.”

Throttle-Up® Episode: Apr. 16 & 17, 2022

Think Like a Fighter Pilot – Part II: Fighter pilots have solved the problem of perception. This solution can be useful to all now that we live in a world of deception and propaganda. We all must consider the question: Is our perception valid or corrupted? Listen in to the discussion. Captain Smith plays several clips from the great Jordan Peterson.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Apr. 09 & 10, 2022

Think Like a Fighter Pilot – Part I: Captain Smith discusses why this is important and how it relates to the Truth Algorithm. Fighter pilots perceive and think accurately and critically under extreme conditions.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Mar. 26 & 27, 2022

The Truth Algorithm – Part XXXXVI: What is the Truth? Is Ukraine a democracy or is it a dictatorship? Captain Smith examines this issue from the perspective of critical thinking and the Truth Algorithm.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Mar. 19 & 20, 2022

The Truth Algorithm – Part XXXXV: Human Consciousness and the Comprehension of That Which Is the Truth. The Truth Algorithm requires us, when commencing any inquiry to first inventory our mind-space in order to identify and clear out any contamination that has invaded our consciousness.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Mar. 12 & 13, 2022

The Truth Algorithm – Part XXXXIV: We are faced with a stark choice: we can either remain passive, confused and deceived; or we can take positive action. Such action involves the ability to uncover the truth in a hostile world. This we can do by employing the Truth Algorithm whenever we encounter attempts at deception.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Feb. 26 & 27, 2022

The Truth Algorithm – Part XXXXII: This broadcast centers around the Truth Algorithm and the clarification of the Big Lie brought to you by government and big tech. Captain Smith plays clips from Steve Hilton and Dr. Robert Malone. Access all of Captain Smith’s podcasts on the Truth Algorithm on his website,

Throttle-Up® Episode: Feb. 19 & 20, 2022

The Truth Algorithm – Part XXXXI: Captain Smith continues his discussion and development of the Truth Algorithm. He announces the posting of his 3rd u-tube video that gives the algorithmic details of the Truth Algorithm.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Feb. 12 & 13, 2022

The Truth Algorithm – Part XXXX: The Truth Algorithm and the Power of Ideas. The Truth Algorithm is based on the concept that can be described as “higher-order” abstract reasoning. This idea must be clearly understood and Captain Smith addresses it in this podcast. The Truth Algorithm Part I – Part XXXX are posted on the website Captain Smith broadcasts each weekend on, 6 & 7 PM Eastern.