
Throttle-Up® Episode: Dec. 10 & 11, 2022

Think Like a Fighter Pilot – Part XXIX: Achieving Success in a High Velocity World. During this broadcast Captain Smith discusses why we need to know these skills – why they are essential in order to survive and prosper in today’s environment. All of Captain Smith’s podcasts can be downloaded from his website ThrottleUpRadio.com. Check them out!

Throttle-Up® Episode: Dec. 3 & 4, 2022

Think Like a Fighter Pilot – Part XXVIII: Captain Smith shares with the audience that speaking at the USS Midway Museum and the Yanks Air Museum was an honor. At both events he discussed the quality and effectiveness of thinking and reasoning when engaged in high-stakes operations under challenging conditions. Learn more about it in this broadcast.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Nov. 19 & 20, 2022

Think Like a Fighter Pilot – Part XXVII: “Adapting the Top Gun training model for use aboard a deployed aircraft carrier was one of the most challenging yet important military operations I have ever done. This is my story,” Captain Smith shares with the audience.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Nov. 12 & 13, 2022

Think Like a Fighter Pilot – Part XXVI: Join Captain Kevin Smith for the telling of a most compelling story: a first hand account of the experience of commanding the first deployed Top Gun unit, embarked aboard the USS Constellation.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Oct. 29 & 30, 2022

Think Like a Fighter Pilot – Part XXIV: Human cognition in the form of innovation, creativity and response to criticality is credited for our ability to turn supersonic flight into a new warfare specialty: Sonic Warfare. Join Captain Smith in the discussion. Find all of his podcasts at ThrottleUpRadio.com.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Oct. 22 & 23, 2022

Think Like a Fighter Pilot – Part XXIII: This episode is all about “how to think” when traveling at sonic speeds. This newly discovered thinking process, “high velocity reasoning”, is presented and explained. This podcast and all of Captain Smith’s podcasts are available on his website: ThrottleUpRadio.com.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Oct. 15 & 16, 2022

Think Like a Fighter Pilot – Part XXII: The challenge we all face is how to optimize our thinking process when problems arise and uncertainty prevails. As a group of thought leaders, the Sonic Warrior community can help.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Oct. 8 & 9, 2022

Think Like a Fighter Pilot – Part XXI: As humans we have not been taught how to think (how one should think) when encountering stressful situations that contain elements of complexity and uncertainty. This is a HUGE problem and accounts for much of what subsequently goes wrong.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Oct. 1 & 2, 2022

Think Like a Fighter Pilot – Part XX: Fighter pilots trained in ultra high-speed aerial combat are known as Sonic Warriors. This includes, but is not limited to those that have received Topgun instruction. In order to achieve mission success as a Sonic Warrior, expanded consciousness is necessary. This episode discusses the definition of expanded consciousness and how to achieve it.