
Throttle-Up® Episode: Jan. 16 & 17, 2021

Everywhere you turn someone is trying to tell you what to think – on climate change to election integrity. But who is in control of your mind space – YOU or some counterfeit authority? Take control of your mind space and do it today! And how is your critical thinking discussion group going?

Throttle-Up® Episode: Jan. 9 & 10, 2021

How to Decide – Part VIII: Get active! Form your own critical thinking study group. The starter kit is “Critical Thinking & Complex Problem Solving Superhighway”. Download it today at ThrottleUpRadio.com. And check out all of Captain Smith’s podcasts on his website.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Dec. 19 & 20, 2020

This week Captain Smith urges you to fight back against misinformation and propaganda. Form your own study group to learn more about how to think critically. Those who can think critically cannot be fooled!

Throttle-Up® Episode: Dec. 12 & 13, 2020

This week Captain Smith has the following advice: if you don’t know how to think critically you must learn; if you do, then teach it to others. If you can think critically you can not be fooled.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Dec. 5 & 6, 2020

How to Decide – Part VII: Our on-going discussion. Are you a seeker, or are you willing to let others tell you what to think? Seeker and thinking, or follower and gullible – that is the question.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Nov. 21 & 22, 2020

How to Decide – Part VI: The Really Big Decision. Am I committed to being a person of integrity, or have I decided to be morally ambiguous? Captain Smith discusses this fascinating and important topic this week in light of current events.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Nov. 14 & 15, 2020

How to Decide – Part V: Is it the truth or is it a lie? This is the single most important question for a human being to answer. We must be willing and able to make this decision accurately and without bias. Knowing how to decide is key.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Nov. 7 & 8, 2020

Elections in America: As a democratic republic, America is built on the foundation that allows its citizens the opportunity to “give consent to be governed”. Those who occupy political positions are empowered by this consent – not by anything else. Thus the voting system for these positions must be trustworthy, i.e. robust and secure against attempted fraud. As a nation we have not yet risen to this challenge. High moral and ethical standards, and a sense of fair play, coupled with critical thinking skills are needed more than ever to return us to a republic we can all be proud of. Captain Smith discusses all of this and more in this week’s broadcast.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Oct. 31 & Nov. 1, 2020

How to Decide – Part IV: Performance Enabling Attributes. Who is in charge of your mind space? If it is you, then what are the performance enabling attributes that you must obtain and purposefully place in your mind space? This podcast will give you some ideas.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Oct. 24 & 25, 2020

How to Decide – Part III. What occupies your mind space? Does your mind space contain healthy, life promoting thoughts, or do you allow negative concepts from others to intrude? Your mind space is your own and you are responsible for what it contains. Make sure that it contains good stuff!