
Throttle-Up® Episode: Dec. 4 & 5, 2021

The Truth Algorithm – Part XXXII: In this episode Captain Smith examines the evil alliance of the main stream media and some medical experts, and the propaganda they are delivering. He shows how to detect such propaganda by using the Truth Algorithm. How do you convince an individual or a group that what you are asserting is true even though it is objectively not true? Unfortunately that is what is happening in our country today; and this falsification of reality, if it continues to be believed will benefit the few over the many.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Nov. 20 & 21, 2021

The Truth Algorithm – Part XXXI: We all have a choice: we can surrender our independence, or stand strong employing intellectual courage to defeat the deception that assaults us on a daily basis. Recognizing reality, we are now engaged in an information warfare battle which we can win. Enter the Truth Algorithm, our weapon of choice.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Nov. 13 & 14, 2021

The Truth Algorithm – Part XXX: The Durham investigation has provided an “after-action” report of an information warfare battle that occurred during and after the 2016 election of Donald Trump to the Presidency of the United States. This full blown battle persisted for four years. Captain Smith discusses the report as an illustration of the life and death of lies, and the final triumph of the truth. It is an example of why we need to prepare ourselves for the next battle against evil with the Truth Algorithm. Captain Smith also plays an excellent audio from The Academy of Ideas warning of the use of our digital devices as weapons employed against us.  Beware!

Throttle-Up® Episode: Nov. 06 & 07, 2021

The Truth Algorithm – Part XXIX: Captain Smith exhorts the main stream media: “Stop lying to us!” We are sick and tired of all the lies and will not take any more! We are equipping ourselves with the Truth Algorithm so that lies and deceptions will no longer work on us.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Oct. 23 & 24, 2021

The Truth Algorithm – Part XXVII: Self Identity Versus What is True. The Truth Algorithm can help us determine if we are authentic and if others we engage with are authentic as well.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Oct. 16 & 17, 2021

The Truth Algorithm – Part XXVI: “The Big Lie” and Why We Need the Truth Algorithm. Remember this: evil contains the seeds of its own destruction. So the Big Lie, when confronted with reality, will ultimately perish.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Oct. 02 & 03, 2021

The Truth Algorithm – Part XXV: In this episode Captain Smith discusses how the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) informs a key component of the workings of the Truth Algorithm. The goal of the algorithm is to help us determine, through the power of reason, what is the truth, while living in a world that is “hostile to reason”. Listen each weekend at RedStateTalkRadio.com – 6PM on the Justice channel; 7PM on the Liberty channel. Find our podcasts anytime at ThrottleUpRadio.com.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Sept. 25 & 26, 2021

The Truth Algorithm – Part XXIV: Uncovering the Truth in a Hostile World. We can either sleep-walk through history or engage our God given power of reason to think for ourselves and determine if something – a proposition or assertion – is either true or not true. In this regard, the Truth Algorithm can be enormously helpful. Please join the discussion every weekend on RedStateTalkRadio – 6PM on the Justice/Encore channel, 7PM on the Liberty/Main channel – all times Eastern.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Sept. 18 & 19, 2021

The Truth Algorithm – Part XXIII: Join Captain Smith and the ongoing discussion of the Truth Algorithm, broadcasting every weekend on RedStateTalkRadio – 6PM on the Justice/Encore channel, 7PM on the Liberty/Main channel. All times Eastern.