
Throttle-Up® Episode: Oct. 1 & 2, 2022

Think Like a Fighter Pilot – Part XX: Fighter pilots trained in ultra high-speed aerial combat are known as Sonic Warriors. This includes, but is not limited to those that have received Topgun instruction. In order to achieve mission success as a Sonic Warrior, expanded consciousness is necessary. This episode discusses the definition of expanded consciousness and how to achieve it.

Throttle-Up® Episode: Sept. 24 & 25, 2022

Think Like a Fighter Pilot – Part XIX: Captain Smith examines how and why Sonic Warriors think the way that they do; and why this is important, not just for high-velocity combat, but for all operators and managers as well. Look for Captain Kevin Smith’s new book – The Sonic Warrior: Chronicles of a Top Gun Pioneer – where ever books are sold!

Throttle-Up® Episode: Sept. 17 & 18, 2022

Think Like a Fighter Pilot – Part XVIII: Mission Critical Thinking. Captain Smith continues his discussion of the Top Gun Maverick movie and his new book The Sonic Warrior, in a Q&A format. Importantly he discusses how sonic warfare – the newest warfare specialty to emerge – uncovers and clarifies a completely new way of thinking. This new way of thinking is referred to as mission critical thinking and is how sonic warriors perform high velocity aerial combat – and win!

Throttle-Up® Episode: August 27 & 28, 2022

Think Like a Fighter Pilot – Part XVII: This week’s episode is a Q&A session with Captain Kevin Smith regarding the fighter pilot community, the Sonic Warrior community, and the critical aspects of sonic warfare. You can find all of Captain Smith’s podcasts on his website ThrottleUpRadio.com

Throttle-Up® Episode: August 13 & 14, 2022

Think Like a Fighter Pilot – Part XVI: We could refer to this as the ultimate challenge in order to defend this nation against airborne enemy forces. A new type of warfare, built from the ground up, was urgently needed. It is called “sonic warfare”. Since reliance on previous knowledge was impossible (because it did not exist) fighter pilots of this era needed to think for themselves.

Throttle-Up® Episode: August 6 & 7, 2022

The Sonic Warrior – Part I: Captain Kevin Smith discusses the national obsession with the Top Gun Maverick movie, and how it relates to his new book The Sonic Warrior – Chronicles of a Top Gun Pioneer. Listen to all Captain Smith’s podcasts on his website ThrottleUpRadio.com.

Throttle-Up® Episode: July 30 & 31, 2022

Think Like a Fighter Pilot – Part XV: The Sonic Warrior: Chronicles of a Top Gun Pioneer. The new book by Captain Kevin Smith chronicles an era in aviation when supersonic flight was new, Top Gun was emerging, critical challenges were addressed, and a novel war fighting community was established. The book and audio book are now available where ever books are sold.

PRESS RELEASE: Captain Smith publishes new book!

My new book is finally in print: The Sonic Warrior – Chronicles of a Top Gun Pioneer. In all formats you can find it where ever books are sold: hard, soft, e-book, and audio book.

Here is the press release from the publisher:  https://faithnewsservice.com/new-redemption-press-release-details-experiences-of-top-gun-pioneer-and-early-supersonic-flight/

Throttle-Up® Episode: July 23 & 24, 2022

Think Like a Fighter Pilot – Part XIV: The Leadership Imperative. Effective leadership involves, first and foremost, the deliberate optimization of our ability to think critically when engaged in a high stakes operation. Captain Smith employs two clips from Jordan Peterson in making his point.